Emergency "Twitter was down so I wrote my...

In a new post by Denise Wakeman she suggests repurposing your blog posts into different formats to “get more exposure and more value from the time you’ve initially invested in creating the content. Not to mention that you can drive more traffic back to your home base.”

What can you do with the post once its been published on your site? Denise suggests turning the content into different formats such as “reports, white papers, articles, slide shows, videos, podcasts, teleseminars, ebooks, etc.”

One place where you can repurpose your content is in your email newsletter by including a few lines in a short piece and linking back to your blog. That way you’ve not only repurposed the content but possibly have taken your non-blog reading client to your posts and demonstrated to them what they’ve been missing. Include too, a call to action to to sign-up to receive updates about your posts via rss feed or by email subscription.

This approach is consistent too with the findings of  new study by GetResponse e-mails where they found that that including options like share on Facebook or Twitter generated a higher click-through rate than e-mails without them.

Another good practice is creating a list of your recent popular posts and again driving the traffic back to your blog.  Ebooks, too, are very big and if you want a quick and easy way to turn the content into a pdf, a good tool is zinepal which we wrote about in an earlier post, Repurposing the Written Word: Getting the Most Bang from Your Content.

Speaking of email newsletters, you can also archive your past newsletters and create links from your website and blog back to past issues. Of course Twitter and Facebook are good for promoting your posts but you can take it a step further by using snippets of the content to draw readers to the site.

When you start thinking about repurposing content you’ll come up with a lot of creative strategies for insuring that you get the most value you can from the time you created original content.

What strategies do you use for repurposing your content?

Image via Wikipedia