Conversational Marketing in the Age of Social Media
29 Sep
Technorati’s 2008 State of the Blogosphere Report, is now available. In their Weekly News Digest, Information Today, Inc. reports:
“For the 2008 study, [Technorati] wanted to go beyond the numbers to deliver insights into bloggers and the state of blogging today. In addition to analyzing the data from the Technorati Index, for the first time, it surveyed bloggers to understand the role of blogging in their lives; tools, time, and resources used for their blogs; and how blogging has impacted them personally, professionally, and financially.”
Technorati reports in the section, The How of Blogging, a variety of technologies to attract visitors. “Top audience-building strategies include: listing their blog on Technorati and Google, commenting or linking to other blogs, and tagging blog posts so that they are more easily searchable. All of this hard work has paid off — half of active blogs attract more than 1000 monthly visitors.”
Check out the full report. As Technorati indicates, “Blogs are a global phenomenon that has hit the maintream…blogs are here to stay.”
If you’re already a blogger, we’re interested in hearing about the the role of blogging in your life, and how its impacted you personally and professionally. If you’re not already blogging, this is a great report for you to read–let us know your impressions.
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