Matt Goddard recently published an article on about the corporate benefits of Web 2.0 tools. Goddard references a study by Gartner Research which states that the average person needs about 49 minutes per day to manage email.

Goddard suggests we consider the Web 2.0 alternative to email – the blog.

“Blogs are superior to e-mail in that they offer a centralized location for topic-specific content from the team for a given project, separate from the disposable project correspondence that occurs between team members. Unlike e-mail, blog posts are structured so that they’re easy to follow, even with the complex interaction of team input required by long-term projects.”

Don’t know about you but I could use those extra 49 minutes. Think about it.

>Read article

Is Your E-Mail System Broken? ‘The e-mail system is in a complete heap.’ Those are the words of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the man who created a little something called the World Wide Web, in reference to e-mail’s shortcomings as a communications tool. His message is that although e-mail is effective for one-on-one dialogue, it has flaws that impede the kind of knowledge gained from true team collaboration. To promote collaboration for your teams and projects in ways that e-mail cannot, the answer lies in the corporate potential of ‘Web 2.0′ tools.